Jumat, 20 Januari 2017

Kyai Landoh : The Legend of Lendah Village (Legenda Desa Lendah)

Saridin a desseminator of islamic religion from Iran. He left his house to penetrate religion knowledge so he could restore situation in Iran which full of distrubance situation. After getting permission from his parents, he went to wander. After a few days, he finally arrived in java north beach and there was Demak kingdom (the first islam kingdom in Java).
The name of walisongo had been famous until the country hamlet. One of walisongo was Sunan Kalijaga. One day Saridin met Sunan Kalijaga and explained his purpose to come to Java. Finally, Sunan Kalijaga accepted Saridin to be a student. Saridin learned the knowledge from Sunan Kalijaga. After learning for a few days, Saridin could show his capability. So Saridin was requested to teach other people and Sunan Kalijaga delegated him to deepen his knowledge with Sunan Kudus in Kadilangu.
After he came to Kadilangu, Saridin consigned message from Suan Kalijaga for accepting Saridin to be his student. Sunan Kudus accepted Saridin with pleasure. In this place saridin could learn many lessons, that for traveling life in this world, people must always try with their hand and shouldn’t suspend to other people. In Java philosophy it’s famous with “ yen kepengen ngombe nimboo,yen kepengen dhahar ngupadio”. 
 Saridin’s capability was also detected by Sunan Kudus. Sunan Kudus wanted Saridin to show his superanatural powers. And then he showed his superanatural powers by bringing water in the basket without shed. Not only that, he also could prove his certainly “if there is water sure there is fish”. Absolutely it made Sunan Kudus’s heart surprised because of that thing impossible to be done by other people. Seeing his potency, Sunan Kudus gave title “syekh” to Saridin. Sunan Kudus concluded Saridin could help him to broadcast islam religion in other zone. And then Sunan Kudus instructed him to go to Palembang.
In order to be saved in his jorney, Sunan Kudus gave “setangkep kelapa”, ”bathok bolu”, and “kudi rancang weapon”. Setangkep kelapa had meaning to be ship to wade through the ocean. Bathok bolu and kudi rancang weapon were things which could be used to reject misfortune to help Saridin. By setangkep kelapa Saridin went to Palembang. Accidentally, in Palembang was assaulted disaster, the people called it pageblug. Pageblug was such as infected illness. Saridin who had been there at that time promptly met the king of Palembang and extended his purpose. With pleasure the king accepted Saridin and hoped Saridin could help that problem. At that moment he remembered with the things from Sunan Kudus which could help Saridin to reject misfortune and cured diseases. So with the instruction from God, he prayed in order to disaster pageblug make disappeared and people became healthy again.
God listened Saridin’s wish. Not long after that, the disaster had gone little by little. With that success, many people wanted to learn about Saridin’s knowledge. Because of Saridin’s success, the king felt thankfully and approved to marry Saridin with one of his daughters, Retna Diluwih. After getting married, Saridin and his wife went to Java. Not long after that, they arrived at Mentaok, Mataram.
Saridin’s presence was detected by the king of Mataram, Panembahan Senopati. He interested and wanted to meet Saridin. And then, he instructed his watchman to bring Saridin to the palace. So, Saridin and the watchman went to the palace to meet the king.
Panembahan Senopati welcomed Saridin happily. The king wanted Saridin to share his knowledge because he heard that Saridin owned greatness on everything, especially on religion.
Panembahan Senopati asked Saridin to show his supernatural power. With modesty, Saridin showed his supernatural power. He confessed Saridin’s greatness and realized that his capability was not comparable with Saridin. Therefore, he gave title of respect “Syeh Jangkung” to Saridin. He also married his younger sister, Raden Ayu Retna Jumali to Syeh Jangkung.
Then, Panembahan Senopati gave assignment to Syeh Jangkung to disseminate Islamic religion in the west of Progo river. Not long after that, Syeh Jangkung’s entourage arrived in the west of Progo river. At that time, buffalos were cattle which maintained by most people. Majority buffalos there had grayish white color, so it called “kebo bule” or “kebo lando”. “Kebo” was buffalo in English, “bule” refered to strangers who usually had light skin.
When he arrived there, Syeh Jangkung built a lodge. One day, Syeh Jangkung was given a buffalo “kebo lando” by his student beause he had save his buffalo’s life. Therefore, he also often called Kyai Landoh (lendah) and nowadays that place known as Lendah village. There Kyai Landoh also built a mosque named “Masjid Landoh” (now Masjid Al-Furqon)
After doing a lot of kindness, Syeh Jangkung passed away. Suitable with his determination, he was interred in Lendah village.

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